Tracking reference
Tracking reference


Delivered-To: The final recipient of the email in this header.X-Google-Smtp-Source: Shows the email transferring using a Gmail SMTP server.X-Received: Differs from "Received" in that it is considered non-standard that is to say, it might not be a permanent address, such as a mail transfer agent or Gmail SMTP server.ARC-Seal: "Seals" the ARC authentication results and the message signature, verifying their contents similar to DKIM.ARC-Message-Signature: The signature takes a snapshot of the message header information for validation, similar to DKIM.ARC-Authentication-Results: The Authenticated Receive Chain is another authentication standard ARC verifies the identities of the email intermediaries and servers that forward your message to its final destination.Return-Path: The location where non-send or bounce messages end up.Received-SPF: The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) forms part of the email authentication process that stops sender address forgery.

tracking reference

  • Authentication-Results: Contains a record of the authentication checks carried out can contain more than one authentication method.
  • You read "Received" lines from bottom to top the bottom-most line is the originator.
  • Received: The "Received" line lists each server that the email travels through before hitting your inbox.
  • DKIM-Signature: Domain Keys Identified Mail authenticates the domain the email was sent from and should protect against email spoofing and sender fraud.
  • To: The intended recipients of the email may show other addresses.
  • Subject: The subject of the email contents.
  • MIME-Version: Declares the email format standard in use.
  • The most common character sets are UTF-8 (seen in the example) and ISO-8859-1.


  • Content-type: Tells your browser or email client how to interpret the content of the email.
  • From: Displays the message sender it is easy to forge.
  • Reply-To: The email address you send your response to.
  • First, let's break down what each email header line means (reading from bottom to top).


    You can also avail the credit card tracking option through the HDFC Bank where you need to submit only your date of birth and mobile number.Let's break down how to read a full email header to help you trace the email to its sender. Depending on the destination post code, your delivery notification may include a 4hr estimated delivery time window. You can also add your shipments to your watch list and view them directly from the homepage without the need to log in. The branch executives will then check your credit card application status and track it. Enter your tracking number or reference number below. The data provided is for information only. You can also track your credit card if you have your e-reference number by walking into the nearest HDFC Bank branch. The EUROPA webserver provides the data as received from the different IT environments of the different countries. To track your credit card offline, you can call the 24*7 customer care number and present your issue. If your eligibility criteria matches the bank's, you will receive a confirmation SMS post which you can track your credit card by filling in the required information below. You will receive a message from HDFC Bank which acknowledges your application with a reference and application number. Once you have applied for it, HDFC Bank allows easy ways to track your credit card application status both online and offline.

    tracking reference

    HDFC Bank believes you deserve to have a hassle-free banking experience and has made applying for credit card tracking simple.

    Tracking reference